Craft and Sculpture
Beauty is the container that holds all else. I truly believe that beauty enables us to be with the more difficult and challenging aspects of life. My preference is in making and forming objects and items that stay as close to nature as possible. Using traditional techniques and mostly hand tools I cultivate a relationship both to the living material and try to keep this essence in the final products. We are by evolution a species of the hand.
What does making things with your hand actually bring? There is mindfulness in slowing down to carve a spoon or form a clay pot, digging the material straight from site or learning to fell and plant tree’s. These processes bring new enlivened energy into our lives and in turn it teaches us to respect and honor the everyday objects we use, no longer contribute to fast, wasteful production and consumerism. Instead we become invested in products that embody quality and tell personal stories of those that made them. This brings the beauty, including the cracks, the ridges, the contrasts of light and dark. Creating beautiful objects by hand reflect life experiences and wisdom.
‘Craft makes our homes more human’ - Isle Crawford
Where I find meaning and purpose most is in service with community. Working with craft enables me to set up environments to share these skills and pass on knowledge. With over 10 years experience teaching traditional woodwork (green and seasoned), clay and raku/slip kiln firing, and other softer crafts (felting/leatherwork), I wish to engage people in discovering the joys and pleasures of finding forms within resistant materials. By building hand skills, we also create space to go inwards and what better way to do this then in community and collaboration with others. When I run women’s womb workshops I share ancient knowledge through the making of felted womb wraps and yoga nidra. This way themes and personal stories are interwoven into the process of creating objects that support us in our life and experiences.
Community Workshop courses and opening times